From Eustachio Porreca to Paolo Agnelli

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  3. From Eustachio Porreca to Paolo Agnelli

“When I was a child, we made pasta at home. And it was magnificent. Walking through the fields of Monteserico I rediscovered the same flavors of the time”.

Thus was born the passion of Paolo Agnelli, from Bergamo, nicknamed the Lord of aluminium, producer of the famous high-end saucepans, for Pasta Porreca and for the story of those who generated it over one hundred years ago.

That Eustachio Porreca, grandfather of the current director of the company that produces it and who since 1924, traveling along these dirt roads on horseback, halfway between Puglia and Basilicata, already imagined that right there, between Genzano di Lucania and Acerenza, in a few kilometers from the Castle of Monteserico, our pasta would have been generated.

Agnelli thus decided to personally embrace the project, becoming a shareholder and helping to enhance a brand rich in history and authentically Italian quality, continuing to walk through those fields planted with wheat, which jealously guard the same teachings of the past.
